Recommended by Two Surgeons

It is not normal for me to write to a company about their products, but I thought I would do so in this instance.  


My husband was recommended to use FREEZE IT, by two surgeons at the world renowned Cleveland clinic health center.  You see my husband plays competitive co-ed and men’s softball at 52 yrs. Old and has suffered from back aches to muscle pulls and some arthritis.


His softball career has now gone on through 29 seasons.  In 2010 he was diagnosed with a tear in his right rotator cuff in July and a ruptured disk in his neck in September.  Spinal fusion was performed on his neck October 5th, where the disk was removed and replaced with a bone.  Additionally , he had surgery performed on his right shoulder December 6th.  When the surgeon went to repair his rotator cuff, it was noted that he had two tears in his right rotator cuff, two large areas of arthritis deposits, a torn labrum, a bone spur, and a torn bicep, along with a large area of inflamed tissue, which were all resolve with a n arthroscopy.  He has just begun physical therapy on his shoulder in hopes of playing ball again in summer of 2012.  For your reference, I have enclosed a sheet documenting my husband’s rather vast softball career.


We have used a lot of your product for his softball ailments, both temporary and permanent.  The key is that it truly helps relieve pain.  With regards to 2011, we used your product quite liberally to keep him playing through the season.  Although your product is no alternative for surgery, it was a great stop gap, until he played through the summer season.  Please note, that I have recommended both of the previously mentioned product, to quite a few ladies I work with. 


We have tried over the counter remedies in the past five years, such as:  Aspercream, Castiva, Arnica, Blue Emu, Precise and Blue Goo, along with local drug store brand formulas.  However we have found the best results by using FREEZE IT.  Additionally, I like the fact that they do not have a bad medicine or hospital smell, as some products do.


Thank you so much, for your time to read my letter and thank you for your fine products.  We will no doubt continue to purchase this product for a long time.


Very sincerely,


Joyce M. King